5 Ways to Keep your Dog Occupied when You're Not Home

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5 Ways to Keep your Dog Occupied
If you find your dog constantly destroying things around your home, it could quite possibly be they're just bored. You might be wondering how you can combat this, but worry not!
We here at Pawtion are back with another blog, about 5 ways to keep your dog occupied, and hopefully stop them breaking things around the house!
5 Ways to Keep your Dog Occupied
1. Put the TV or radio on
You might be surprised to hear this, but our dogs love TV nearly as much as we do! If you're out of the house for long periods of time, try leaving the TV or the radio on, as these can actually help our pups with separation anxiety. There are plenty of FAB YouTube videos specifically for dogs, so you'll be spoilt for choice!
5 Ways to Keep your Dog Occupied
2. Hide treats around the home
Another great way to keep your pup occupied is to hide treats all around your home before you go out! This will keep them entertained for hours on end, and be sure to mix up where you leave the treats so the game doesn't get boring!
5 Ways to Keep your Dog Occupied
3. Create a window seat
We all know how nosey our pups are, so one way to combat boredom could be to create a seat right by the window so they can watch what's going on outside! Instead of having to run over to the window every time they hear a noise outside, your pup will appreciate having a cosy seat to chill in and watch the world go by!
5 Ways to Keep your Dog Occupied
4. Get a dog flap
If you happen to have a fenced off garden, you could definitely do with installing a dog flap for your pup to use when you're not home! They'll be able to roam in the garden for however long they want and get some much needed fresh air and exercise!
5 Ways to Keep your Dog Occupied
5. Hire a dog walker
If you're worried that your pup doesn't get enough mental and physical exercise when you're not at home, why don't you hire a dog walker?! Your dog will love the fact they get to spend time with more people, AND they'll have less time alone bored at home, everyone wins!
5 Ways to Keep your Dog Occupied
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