Care Tips for First Time Flat-Faced Breed Owners

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Care Tips for First Time Flat-Faced Breed Owners
Hello, and welcome to the Pawtion blog! This is a space where we talk all things dogs!
If you’re not aware, the Fluff Trough is ideal for flat-face breeds, so today we have a blog outlining some care tips for first time flat-faced dog owners!

Be sure to have a read through these ideas to help keep your fur baby at their happiest!


Due to the head and nose structure of flat-face breed dogs, they are more susceptible to something called BOAS (Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome). This is due to airway abnormalities and can cause breathing problems for your dog. Some signs your dog is having difficulty breathing can include:

• Snoring
• Wheezing
• Snorting
• Loud breathing and panting
• Difficulty cooling down in hot weather or recovering from exercise
• Gum discolouration

If your dog shows signs of BOAS, the first thing you should do is contact your vet. The following care tips can also help reduce the symptoms of BOAS:

• Avoid hot weather
• Control weight as obesity can enhance BOAS
• Limit exercise

Eye Problems

 Due to having shallow eye sockets, flat-faced dogs’ eyes can protrude further than other dogs. Because of this they are more likely to become infected, as well as possibly face ulceration or corneal damage. In some cases, due to proptosis, eyelids can turn inwards.

Other eye problems of flat-faced dogs are proptosis or displacement from the socket and entropion, which refers to the condition where the eyelid turns inward. This can unfortunately cause skin to rub on the eye’s surface.


Nearly all flat-faced dogs have wrinkles, and while they’re unbelievably cute they can often trap moisture and dirt. Therefore flat-faced breeds are often susceptible to yeast infections and other skin conditions.

You should bathe your fur baby often, as well as head to the vet if you spot any skin issues. You can also use a wet washcloth or antiseptic wipes to remove the dirt from the skin folds.

Due to having a smaller jaw structure than most other breeds, flat-faced dogs often experience dental problems, such as underbite or overlapping teeth which can lead to periodontal disease.

The best way to help prevent this is to brush your puppies’ teeth with toothpaste specifically designed for dogs, twice a day if possible! Also attend regular dental check-ups with your vet so any issues can be diagnosed early.
We know these care tips may sound like a lot of hassle in comparison to other dogs, but we KNOW you'll never have a more loving friend than your flat-face fur baby!
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