Crate Training your Puppy

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Crate Training Dog
 If you're a first time dog owner, you might be wondering where to let your puppy sleep, and relax when you leave the house.
Getting a crate for your dog, especially while they're a pup, is highly recommended as you can have peace of mind that when you leave the home you won't come back to TONNES of destruction!
We here at Pawtion are back with another blog, bringing you benefits and tips to crate training your new dog!
Crate Training Dog

Crate Training your Puppy

Make it Comfortable

First and foremost, if you want your puppy to use their new crate, you'll have to make it comfortable enough to relax in. Be sure to grab the essentials, including a dog bed and a water bowl or dispenser. Also be sure to put plenty of toys in the crate to entice your pup in!

Another great idea for making your dog comfortable while they're sleeping at night is to put a blanket over the top of the crate to block out any light.

Crate Training Dog

Choose a good Location

One of your dogs main skepticisms about using a crate can be that they feel left out and alone away in a crate. That's why it's a good idea to move it to a location they'll feel part of the family in, such as the living room, if your puppy needs a cooling off period away from you.

You could also even move the crate upstairs for your dog to sleep in at night if they're struggling to sleep in the crate downstairs.

Crate Training Dog

Leaving the House

Of course, despite the fact you won't want to, there will be a time you'll have to leave your puppy alone at home when you leave the house.

The best way to prepare for this is to give them plenty of crate training beforehand, but also make sure that before you leave the house your pup has had plenty of exercise, be it a long walk or games of fetch in the garden! This way they'll hopefully be tired enough to get in the crate and relax until your return.

Crate Training Dog

Daily Routine

After you've got your crate and your dog is beginning to become familiar with it, you should start to incorporate the crate into their daily routine. It often seems dogs can tell the time better than we can - especially when it comes to food time - so using the crate at roughly the same time each day will resonate with your puppy and lead to them using it more.
Crate Training Dog

Listen to your Dog

If you can hear your pup barking while they're in their crate, try to resist opening it straight away, as it could be simply that they're annoyed to be in there. If you can see they're in distress of course let them out, but if they're just frustrated with the crate, try moving its location as they may just be missing you.
Crate Training Dog
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