How to Build Trust with your Dog

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How to Build Trust with your Dog
If you've just become a dog owner for the first time, congratulations! We bet you are so excited to shower your fury friend with all the love and attention they could ever want!
However, you may be wondering how best to build trust with your dog, but fear not! We here at Pawtion are back with another blog, on the best ways to build that trust!
How to Build Trust with your Dog

How to Build Trust with your Dog

Learn your Dogs Body Language

A dog that is calm and collected will approach you with their tail wagging and with their faced relaxed. If a dog is anxious or nervous they will visibly have a tense body, as well as keeping their tail tucked and possibly even avoid eye contact. Noticing these signs will help you massively in building trust!

How to Build Trust with your Dog

Let them Approach You

We as humans are always guilty of approaching dogs before they approach us. If they're a confident dog they'll obviously love this, but if they're nervous it can have the opposite effect. If you have a nervous pup, try ignoring them and waiting for them to approach you first. You can reward them with treats when they do approach, so they know you aren't a threat.

Building Trust with your Dog

Give them some Space

As mentioned in the intro, you will be desperate to shower your dog with love, but if you have a nervous or fearful pup, this can have the opposite affect to your intention. Try moving slowly and talking quietly to them to begin with!

How to Build Trust with your Dog

Go down to their Level

Try not to tower over your dog when approaching, as if your dog is nervous, and especially if they're small, they will be anxious and fearful of being towered over. Be sure to sit on the floor or crouch down so your dog can approach you at their level.

How to Build Trust with your Dog

Reward Good Behaviour

A fab way to gain your dogs trust is to reward then when they're well behaved. If they can follow a command in order to get a treat, even better! Your pup will trust you in no time if you continue to repeat this process, and they'll love you even more!

How to Build Trust with your Dog

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