Perfect Feeding Solutions for Every Pet
Whether you're looking for the classic comfort of the original Fluff Trough, the slow feeding experience of the Binge Blocker, the sleek durability of the Stainless Steel option, or the generous capacity of the XL version, we have the perfect feeding solution for every pet.
Fluff Trough + Vakioinsertti
Fluff Trough + Vakioinsertti
Fluff Trough + hidassyöttölaite
Fluff Trough + hidassyöttölaite
XL Fluff Trough + Vakio XL Insertti
XL Fluff Trough + Vakio XL Insertti
Fluff Trough Ruostumattomasta Teräksestä Valmistettu Vesi-aukon Setti
Fluff Trough Ruostumattomasta Teräksestä Valmistettu Vesi-aukon Setti