Tips to help your Puppy to Sleep the Night

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Tips to help your Puppy to Sleep the Night
If you're reading this, you might have just brought your puppy home for the first time, and if so, congratulations! We hope you and your furry friend will have SO much fun together!
However, despite all the fun times ahead, as of right now your puppy might struggle to sleep in their new home! Don't worry though as this is completely normal, and we here at Pawtion are here with some tips to help your puppy sleep in their new surroundings!
Tips to help your Puppy to Sleep the Night

Tips to help your Puppy to Sleep

 1. Get into routine

If you can establish a routine with your puppy from the very start, it'll definitely help them when it comes to sleeping through the night! If your dog can get it into their head that nighttime means bedtime, it'll benefit the both of you! You could try limit their food and drink in the hours before bedtime, and do the same things like letting them out to relieve themselves at the same time right before bed.

Tips to help your Puppy to Sleep the Night

2. Keep quiet

It might sound obvious, but if you're going to keep your pup's crate near to you, then be sure to keep the noise down while they're sleeping. Keep the TV's volume on low, and to further aid you, you could invest in blackout blinds so they're not up awake as soon as a flash of light appears in the home!

 Tips to help your Puppy to Sleep the Night

3. Late night exercise

Another great way to get your dog to sleep through the night is to take them for a late night walk, or perhaps a quick run around the garden. This way, they'll be so tired from the exercise, as well as the rest of the days activities, that they'll hopefully sleep right through the night!

 Tips to help your Puppy to Sleep the Night

4. Prepare for interruptions

 Puppies find it especially hard to sleep through the night without needing the toilet, much like babies. Be prepared to let your dog go to the loo in the middle of the night. Take them outside calmly, trying not to get them too riled up, and praise them for doing their business outside your home!

 Tips to help your Puppy to Sleep the Night

5. Crates are important

When looking for a crate for your puppy to sleep in, be sure to make it inviting to them. Don't grab an expensive bed as it's likely they'll chew it apart regardless! If possible why not keep the crate in your bedroom when you sleep, so your puppy will feel like you're close by!

Tips to help your Puppy to Sleep the Night

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